For those Who Dream Big and Care Deeply - Unwavering Prayers for Unshakeable Hope
In this time of uncertainty, struggle, and isolation we need to reach out to support one another and show we care. When we share our challenges and concerns with another we often hear, “I’ll pray for you.” Do we really? Oh yes in the moment, and anytime I remember, but as a community we can support one another and develop this habit of the APB for inner harmony and connection.
The simplest prayer is to gain Awareness in your busy day, Pause in the moment, and Breathe 3 breaths. The first breath to connect within and ground yourself, the second to connect to God’s Essence that still small voice within, and third connecting to where you are and who you are with and breathe love throughout.
Prayer is the universal language of hope. Its purpose is unity and connection within, with Essence, and with each other acknowledging that we are One; One Heartbeat ~ One Breath ~ One Song.
Prayer is action. It is setting an intention, with unwavering courage and expectation, knowing that our universal connection can make a difference as we pause in prayer.
Prayer is the Music of the Soul
Prayer doesn’t have to be elaborate. A simple, pause to breathe in deeply and release the universal breath that connects us sharing hope, love, joy, and peace with others.
Prayer really can make a difference in your life and the life of others! How? I could go on and talk about energy, physics, and more but I think this saying sums it up quite nicely:
“There are more things between heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt about in your philosophy/science.” Shakespeare’s writing in Hamlet.
Why Malachi’s Circle of Hope?
Malachi was the Rocky Mountain horse I had an accident with. His name means “Messenger of God” and he had an awakening experience for me that transformed my life completely. See “About Sharon” to learn more. Malachi healed and transformed many people in his life. Unfortunately, he passed away September 5 th of 2020. Now he will continue healing in Spirit sharing Malachi’s Circle of Hope.
We use a Chartres Labyrinth, as “Malachi’s Circle of Hope”, to a journey within. There is one way to the centre and the same path back out again. Truly a journey indicating new life and hope: “where it ends, it begins”. The intention is to release burdens, receive hope and reconnect to the heartbeat of life knowing we are all connected as One.
One Heartbeat ...One Breath...One Song
This is truly the message of Malachi - Messenger of God.

Oak Labyrinth
Click here to learn more about the labyrinth and to download yours for free.
If you would like to be a part of Malachi’s Circle of Hope, Contact Me to see how.
As part of the community, you will receive thought provoking reflections, tips to stay grounded, and a group of like-minded folks to support you, pray for you, your family, friends with you and anyone who needs prayer.
We know that prayer can change our outlook, increase our hope, release fears, and help us experience positive emotions. Suzanne Adams states in her Tedx Talk on Quantum Physics, sadness, anxiety, anger are all feelings of low “energy”, or low vibration.
These low vibrations can “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2) through prayer upon the labyrinth, the NeuroMindSHIFT or praying without ceasing in thankfulness always. Wherever two or more are gathered, or loving minds connect, God, love, that which transforms us to higher vibrational energies of joy, love, and hope is present.
If you would like us to pray for you, for someone or something you care deeply about please contact us or fill out the form below. You will also receive Sharon's weekly inspirational message. It's easy to unsubscribe if you feel over inspired.