Show Special

Original price was: $194.00.Current price is: $118.00.

SKU: HRPAPkg19 Categories: ,


The Show Special includes:

  • Our 21-Day NeuroMindSHIFT™
  • Book – Creating the Harmony From Within, Sharon Campbell-Rayment
  • Book – Falling into the Rhythm of Life, Sharon Campbell-Rayment
  • A beautiful metal labyrinth
  • Enhanced focus to have laser sharp focus in pursuit of meaningful goals
  • Move faster from disruption to performance again so you can complete your day on time feeling you’ve accomplished something every day!
  • More agility with change
  • Faster decisions
  • Have quick effective solutions that last so you come through feeling your B.E.S.T. every day
  • Reframe what life throws at you and feel mentally and emotionally strong
  • Renew daily and sustain the belief in your abilities to handle any situations with grace and ease
  • Feel strong, calm with inner balance so you can sail smoothly through set-backs, disruptions and distractions.
  • Feel less like a victim of circumstance and bad breaks to feel more in control and maintain a steady course.
  • Feel in control of adversity