The NeuroMindSHIFT™ Process
This is a process that increases the mind’s capacity to deal with anxiety and sense of overwhelm. It is a variety of tools and techniques that create long term change through the science of neuroplasticity, the ability to rewire and sculpt the brain, to help you think differently and then you begin to behave and feel differently. The ultimate outcome is to be steady, calm and mentally strong with unwavering inner balance.
The activities become an inherent part of your life that you will use again and again with little effort as the techniques gain “mind muscle memory” like that of a muscle that is exercised over time. It is essential to continually train this “mind muscle” and mindset. Daily use of parts of the process are advisable to remain confident, calm, inspired, and motivated.
As Zig Ziglar used to say, “People say that motivation does not last. Well yes that is true, but neither does bathing, and I highly recommend you do that on a daily basis!” Therefore, this is not simply a coaching program but a change of habits and behaviours to change your mind, because changing your mind really does change everything.
From Chaos to Calm by Creating Harmony from Within
The NeuroMindSHIFT Mastery process is for those people who have completed the Enhanced NeuroMindSHIFT and want to go further.
Transformational statements acquired through the NeuroMindSHIFT process:
Enhanced focus to have laser sharp focus in pursuit of meaningful goals
Move faster from disruption to performance again so you can complete your day on time feeling you’ve accomplished something every day!
More agility with change
Faster decisions
Have quick effective solutions that last so you come through feeling your B.E.S.T. every day
Reframe what life throws at you and feel mentally and emotionally strong
Renew daily and sustain the belief in your abilities to handle any situations with grace and ease
Feel strong, calm with inner balance so you can sail smoothly through set-backs, disruptions and distractions.
Feel less like a victim of circumstance and bad breaks to feel more in control and maintain a steady course.
Feel in control of adversity
“I found her “NeuroMindShift” tools to be especially helpful to recharge and refocus quickly.”Elise Marentette