Calm the Chaos and Quiet the Mind with the
21 Day NeuroMindSHIFT™ Practice
and Create Harmony from Within
Do you ever feel like you’ve lost yourself in your “to do” list?
Do you wish you could stop your mind from racing?
Do you wish you could handle the stress of the day with ease?
Could you use some inner silence and calm in the midst of the noise and chaos?
Then you need the
21 Day NeuroMindSHIFT™ Practice
Feel less anxious and more grounded, calm and resilient
What if you lived in a world where stress and chaos never happened?
Or at least you had skills to be able to flow through chaos and stress effortlessly.
Where you felt in control of your emotions, your reactions, your life?
How would your life be different?
The answer is found in Inner Silence and a Quiet Mind
And I hear you say, “Are you crazy Sharon? How do I do this with the length of my “to do” list, my responsibilities, and when I know another tsunami is coming?”
You may think the challenges you are facing are being caused by outside forces, but when there is a storm within, your mind and body rage against each other.
That is why I created the NeuroMindSHIFT process that transforms chaos and stress to Harmony in a Hurry Up World for busy entrepreneurs, those who feel the disconnect of a busy life, and experience anxiety and worry.
The NeuroMindSHIFT process rewires the mind and resurrects the soul to experience inner silence, greater balance, and a still mind the 3 essential elements for success so you can StressLESS and Live Happy!
Here is what others are saying
“I love the NeuroMindSHIFT program. It is challenging, helpful and makes sense! Currently I am working on settling my worries and anxiety – and find the APB, and especially the “Fogging the Glass Breath” exercises very helpful – and THEY WORK!”
- Jennifer Cobb
“I found the “NeuroMindSHIFT” tools to be especially helpful to recharge and refocus quickly.”
- Elise Marentette, HR+ By Design
“Sharon’s communication on grounding is one of the best meditation experiences I’ve ever had in my life. I was so relaxed I almost fell asleep! I am not a meditator and yet I was shown how to drop into myself with this unique method.”
- Diane Ditrick
I learned many techniques in Sharon’s presentation that I had not used before to decrease stress and refocus throughout my day. It was a really good presentation! I really enjoyed it and I am taking the ideas and inviting my staff to take a few minutes every day to use her “NeuroMindSHIFT” Strategies.
- Royal Griffith, Human Resource, PBL Insurance Limited
Enduring Transformation
The 21 Day NeuroMindSHIFT is a step-by-step practice that is reliable, repeatable, and effective based on the latest neuroscience that can be utilized immediately to SHIFT and REWIRE your mind to positive action from frozen, ineffective chaos.
Research proves that we can rewire our brains and transform our lives through the magic of neuroplasticity, which is the ability to sculpt and rewire the mind for a calm, grounded, focused presence.
The ultimate outcome is to transform the chaos to calm, clear the foggy thinking to feel focused, and break the anxiety and busy-ness to feel grounded, fully present, and resilient.
Who’s in? Show of hands!
This is for you if:
- You are feeling weighted down by worry, anxiety or feeling overwhelmed.
- You are rushing, racing, and juggling multiple tasks on your “to do” list.
- Your mind races from one task to the next and yet you feel you aren’t accomplishing anything.
- You feel stuck and are ready to change your current situation to one of inner peace, less stress, and greater resilience.
The NeuroMindSHIFT activities become an inherent part of your life that you will use again and again as the techniques gain “mind muscle memory”. Daily use of these techniques will help you remain confident, calm, inspired and motivated.
I’ve drawn from my 25 years of experience working as a Nurse, the owner and operator of the Good Life Fitness Club for Women, a Spiritual Thought Leader, and my passion to assist women to reconnect within, with others and with Spirit.
The NeuroMindSHIFT practice is based on current research, and my own transformation from “completely disabled” after my horseback riding accident to thriving today as I transform those who are feeling the overwhelming stress and disconnect of a busy life.
Did I mention the FREEbies? When you sign-up you’ll immediately receive these free downloads:
- Meditation Guidelines to boost your practice (Or begin one!)
- 3-minute Meditation audio for Busy People (A quick and easy reboot!)
- Creating Harmony Within Labyrinth and meditation audio (With a FREE Labyrinth to download!)
- Horse and Soul meditation audio (To reconnect within and resurrect your soul!)
Receive 21 daily techniques to bring yourself to greater awareness, resiliency, creativity, connectedness, and motivation to make the changes you desire in your life.
Don’t Hesitate - Don’t Wait - This Practice is Great!
My friends, this is not simply a “coaching program”. It is a practice for lasting change of habits and behaviours to maximize your mind, increase your energy, and calm your soul so you StressLESS and Live Happy! (And who doesn’t want that?!)
More Raving Reviews for Sharon’s NeuroMindSHIFT Practice
“It’s becoming increasingly noisy everywhere. It seems like I have less time to quiet my mind and pause. There is communication everywhere. We are turned on 24×7 literally. In this chaos, I have found myself seeking quiet and space…I have a desire to just separate from everything that is going on around me. When Sharon introduced me to the 21-day NeuroMindSHIFT, I can remember thinking, “when would I fit that in” and yet as she spoke of words like Harmony and Peace and Joy, I knew that I wanted to step into feeling more of those things. So, I took the leap of faith and I am so grateful for the habit of a daily pause with her program. Every day, I had the opportunity to learn a new insight or technique that would support me in creating a deeper connection to myself again. I’m so very grateful for the insights and the tools to embrace harmony as a way of living. Thank you so much, Sharon, for being who you are and helping people to create harmony in this hurry-up world.”
– Laurie Hawkins, Business Success Strategist
“Sharon’s story and techniques were amazing and awakening!”
– Stephanie Wood
“Sharon gave useful tips for relaxation and stress relief – something that we all need to practice. Sharon was truly inspirational!”
– Ministry Of Community and Social Services Attendee